pp108 : Unpublishing a Business Event Response

Unpublishing a Business Event Response

This topic describes the procedure to unpublish a Business Event Response.

Before you begin this task:
Create and publish a Business Event Response.

You must unpublish a Business Event Response to stop processing the events (monitoring). If you unpublish a Business Event Response, it becomes inactive, and the Business Event Responses are not evaluated for such Business Event Responses.

  1. In the Workspace Documents (Explorer) window, right-click the published (Business Event Response) and select Unpublish. During unpublish, the Confirm dialog appears stating - Do you want to retain old data that talks about the business data collected till that time. If you choose to delete or retain the business data, message stating - Business Event Response Unpublished successfully, appears as a notification. If you choose to retain the business data, the business data is retained.
    Note: If the Business Event Response is not published before, Unpublish is triggered, a message stating - Business Event Response is not published appears.
  2. If you select Yes or No, the Business Event Response Unpublished successfully appears as a notification. 


    • If the Business Event Response is already unpublished, then the message stating - Business Event Response already Unpublished appears.
    • If the selected Business Event Response fails to be unpublished, an exception message appears stating the error.

    The selected Business Event Response is unpublished.

Related concepts

Defining Business Event Responses

Related tasks

Creating a Business Event Response
Publishing a Business Event Response
Editing a Business Event Response
Deleting a Business Event Response